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Event Registration
Wednesday 22 January 2025 Hamilton Campus tour
Please register below to attend a guided tour of our Hamilton Campus.
10:00AM Wednesday 22 January 2025 - 11:30AM Wednesday 22 January 2025
Tours start from the Info Desk on Level 2 of the Student Centre.
Wednesday 22 January 2025 Hamilton Campus tour
Please register below to attend a guided tour of our Hamilton Campus.
10:00AM Wednesday 22 January 2025 - 11:30AM Wednesday 22 January 2025
Tours start from the Info Desk on Level 2 of the Student Centre.
Sorry we have reached the maximum number of registrations for this event. Please reduce the number of guests for this booking.
Event Registration (Anonymous - Basic)
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School Name
A1 Student Limited
ACG Parnell College
ACG Senior College
ACG Strathallan
ACG Sunderland
ACG Tauranga
ADDI Enrichment Academy
AGE School
Aidanfield Christian School
Akaroa Area School
Albany Junior High School
Albany Senior High School
Alfriston College
Alhamdaniya University
Allenvale Special School and Res Centre
Al-Madinah School
Amana Christian School
Ambury Park Centre
American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
Amuri Area School
ANC Education
ANID Agencia Nacional de Inversion y Desarollo - Chile REsearch and Development Agency
Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery
Aorere College
Aotea College
Aparima College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College
Arahunga School
Aranui High School
Araura College
Arohanui Special School
Ashburton Christian School
Ashburton College
Asia International University
Atea College
Athena Montessori College
Auburn University
Auckland Girls' Grammar School
Auckland Grammar
Auckland International College
Auckland Metropolitan College
Auckland Senior College
Auckland Seventh-Day Adventist H S
Aurora College
Aurora School Alternative
Avon Christian College
Avondale College
Avonside Girls' High School
Awatapu College
Baradene College
Bay of Islands College
Bayfield High School
Benneydale Area School
Berkley Normal Middle School
Bethlehem College
Birkenhead College
Bishop Viard College
Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ
Blomfield Special School and Resource Ctre
Blue Mountain College
Botany Downs Secondary College
Bream Bay College
Broadwood Area School
Buller High School
Burapha University International College
Burnside High School
Cambridge High School
Cambridge International College
Cambridge Middle School
Campion College
Carey College
Cargill High School
Carmel College
Cashmere High School
Catholic Cathedral College
Central Auckland Specialist School
Central Hawkes Bay College
Central Regional Health School
Central Southland College
Chandigarh University
Chanel College
Chang'an University
Cheviot Area School
Chilton Saint James School
Christchurch Adventist School
Christchurch Boys' High School
Christchurch Girls' High School -Te Kura o Hine Waiora
Christopher Newport University
Christ's College
City Impact Church School
Clendon Teen Parent Unit
Coastal Taranaki School
Collingwood Area School
Columba College
Cormack Consultancy Group
Cornerstone Christian School
Coromandel Area School
Craighead Diocesan School
Crimson Global Academy
Cromwell College
Cullinane College
Dannevirke High School
Darfield High School
Dargaville High School
De La Salle College
Delegation of the European Union to New Zealand
Destiny School
Dilworth School
Diocesan School For Girls
Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology
Dominican College
Drury Christian School
Dunstan High School
East Otago High School
EDC Paris Business School
Eden Campus
Eden Christian Academy
Edgecumbe College
Edgewater College
Edmund Rice College
Elim Christian College
Ellesmere College
Emmanuel Christian School
Enuamanu School
Epsom Girls Grammar School
Erskine College
Excellere College
Fairfield College
Fairhaven School (Napier)
Feilding High School
Ferndale Te Ahu
Fiordland College
Flaxmere College
Forest View High School
Four Avenues Alternative High School
Francis Douglas Memorial College
Fraser High School
French Embassy in New Zealand
Freyberg High School
Fuyao Institute of Technology
Garin College
Genesis Street School
Geraldine High School
Gisborne Boys' High School
Gisborne Girls' High School
Glendowie College
Glenfield College
Gloriavale Christian School
Golden Bay High School
Goldfields School (Paeroa)
Gore High School
Green Bay High School
Green School New Zealand
Greymouth High School
G-TEC Global Campus
Haeata Community Campus
Hagley Community College
Halswell Residential College
Hamilton Boys' High School
Hamilton Christian School
Hamilton Girls' High School
Hamilton Junior High School
Hamilton North School
Hamilton Technical College
Harbour Montessori College
Hare Krishna School
Hastings Boys' High School
Hastings Christian School
Hastings Girls' High School
Hato Paora College
Hato Petera College
Hauraki Plains College
Havelock North High School
Hawke's Bay School for Teenage Parents
He Huarahi Tamariki
He Huarahi Tamariki
He Mataariki School for Teen Parents
Hebei International Studies University
Hebron Christian College
Henderson High School
Heretaunga College
Highcliffe High School
Hillcrest High School
Hillmorton High School
Hillview Christian School
Hiroshima University
Hobsonville Point Secondary School
Hohepa School
Home Schooling
Horizon School
Hornby High School
Horowhenua College
Howick College
Huanui College
Hukarere Girls’ College
Hunan Women's University
Huntly College
Hurunui College
Hutt International Boys' School
Hutt Valley High School
Hutt Valley Memorial College
ICHEC Brussels Management School
ICN Business School
Independent Middle School
Informatics Institute of Technology
Inglewood High School
Inner Mongolia Normal University
International American University
International Institute of Hotel Management
International School of Management
International Schools Partnership
Iona College
Iqra School
James Cook High School
James Hargest College
James Hargest High School
Japan University of Economics
Japan Women's University
Jin-ai University
Jinan University
Jinka University
Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University
John McGlashan College
John Paul College
John Paul II High School
Kaiapoi High School
Kaikohe Christian School
Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikoura High School
Kaipara College
Kaitaia Abundant Life School
Kaitaia College
Kamo High School
Kapiti College
Karabuk University
Karamea Area School
Karamu High School
Karanga Mai Young Parents College
Karlstad University
Katikati College
Kavanagh College
Kawerau College
Kawerau Teen Parent Unit
Kelston Boys' High School
Kelston Deaf Education Centre
Kelston Girls' College
Kerikeri High School
Kia Aroha College
Kimi Ora School
Kimihia Parents' College
King Edward International High School
King's College
Kings High School (Dunedin)
Kingslea School
KingsWay School
Kingswell High School
Kitami Institute of Technology
Ko Taku Reo – Deaf Education New Zealand
Komatsu University
Kowhai School
Kristin School
Kuranui College
Labasa College, Labasa
Lake Taupo Christian School
Lawrence Area School
Levin Teen Parent Unit
Liahona High School
Liaoning Petrochemical University
Liaoning University of International Business and Economics
Liger Leadership Academy
Lincoln High School
Lindisfarne College
Liston College
Logan Park High School
Long Bay College
Longburn Adventist College
Lovely Professional University
Lynfield College
Lytton High School
Mackenzie College
Mackillop College
Macleans College
Mahatma Gandhi High School, Suva
Mahinawa Specialist School and Resource Centre
Mahurangi College
Mairehau High School
Maitai School
Makoura College
Malapoa College
Mana College
Mana Tamariki
Manawatu College
Manchester Education Center
Mangakahia Area School
Mangere College
Maniototo Area School
Manukau Christian School
Manukau Institute of Technology
Manurewa High School
Marcellin College
Marian College
Marist Brothers High School, Suva
Marist College
Marist College (Otago)
Marlborough Boys' College
Marlborough Girls' College
Marycrest Te Horo
Massey High School
Matakana Island Area Sch
Matamata College
Matevulu College
Mauke School
McAuley High School
Melville High School
Menzies College
Mercury Bay Area School
Methodist College Kuala Lumpur
Michael Park School
Middle School West Auckland
Middlemore Hospital School
Middleton Grange School
Mission Heights Junior College
Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
Moerewa School
Morrinsville College
Motueka High School
Motufoua Secondary School
Mount Hutt College
Mount Maunganui College
Mountainview High School
Mt Albert Grammar School
Mt Aspiring College
Mt Hobson Academy
Mt Richmond School
Mt Roskill Grammar
Murchison Area School
Murihiku Young Parents' Learning Centre
Murupara Area School
Naenae College
Nam Can Tho University
Napier Boys' High School
Napier Girls' High School
Natabua High School, Lautoka
National Cheng Kung University
National Tsing Hua University
National University of Kaohsiung
Nayland College
Nelson College
Nelson College For Girls
New Plymouth Boys' High School
New Plymouth Girls' High School
New Zealand National College (School)
New Zealand Pacific School
Newlands College
Nga Taiatea Wharekura
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Ngaruawahia High School
Ngata Memorial College
Ngataki School
Niue High School
Nord University
Northcote College
Northern Health School
Northern Southland College
Northland College
Northland College Teen Parent Unit
Nukutere College
Nuri King Sejong Institute
Oaklynn Special School
Odyssey House School (Auckland)
Ohkagakuen University
Ohura Area School
Okaihau College
Okato College
One Tree Hill College
Onehunga High School
OneSchool Global - New Zealand
Onewhero Area School
Onslow College
Opihi College
Opononi Area School
Opotiki College
Opunake High School
Orewa College
Ormiston Junior College
Ormiston Senior College
Otago Boys' High School
Otago Girls' High School
Otahuhu College
Otaki College
Otamatea Christian School
Otamatea High School
Other NZ Secondary School
Otorohanga College
Otorohanga School
Otumoetai College
Overseas Schooling
Overseas Secondary School
Oxford Area School
Pa Harakeke Teen Parent Unit
Pacific Advance Secondary School
Pacific Advance Senior School
Paeroa College
Pakuranga College
Palmerston North Boys' High School
Palmerston North Girls' High School
Papaaroa Adventist College
Papakura High School
Papamoa College
Papanui High School
Papatoetoe High School
Paraparaumu College
Parkside School
Parkway College
Parul University
Patea Area School
Patricia Avenue School
PDP University
Peace Experiment
Peking University
Peppertree School, Manawatu Education Trust
Petone College
Piccinni Conservatory
Pinehurst School
Piopio College
Pompallier Catholic College
Ponatahi Christian School
Porirua College
Prospect College
Puawananga Wairarapa Young Parents
Pukekohe Christian School
Pukekohe Christian School (Secondary)
Pukekohe High School
Putaruru College
Putaruru Education Centre
Putaruru High School
Queen Charlotte College
Queen Elizabeth College
Queen Margaret College
Queen Victoria School (Te Kura o Kuini Wikitoria)
Queen Victoria School, Suva
Queens College
Queens High School
Raghu Engineering College
Raglan Area School
Rai Valley Area School
Rajagiri Business School
Rangi Ruru Girls' School
Rangiora High School
Rangiora New Life School
Rangitahi College
Rangitaiki Independent School
Rangitikei College
Rangitoto College
Raphael House Rudolf Steiner Area School
Rathkeale College
Redwood College
Reefton Area School
Renew School
Reporoa College
Riccarton High School
Richmond View School
Richmond View School
Rodney College
Rolleston College
Roncalli College
Rongotai College
Rosehill College
Rosehill School
Rosemount Special School
Rosmini College
Rotorua Boys' High School
Rotorua Girls' High School
Rotorua Lakes High School
Rotorua School For Young Parents
Rotorua School for Young Parents
Rotorua Specialist School - Te Kura Pukenga o Rotorua
Rototuna Junior High School
Rototuna Senior High School
Roxburgh Area School
Ruapehu College
Ruawai College
Rudolf Steiner School (Chch)
Ruru Special School
Rutherford College
RV University
Sacred Heart College (Auckland)
Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt)
Sacred Heart College (Napier)
Sacred Heart College (Wanganui)
Sacred Heart Girls' College (Ham)
Sacred Heart Girls' College (N Plymouth)
Saint Andrew's Christian College
Saint Kentigern College
Saint Stephen's School
Salisbury School (Nelson)
Salisbury University
Samoa Public Service Commission
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
Sancta Maria College
Sara Cohen School
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences
Scots College
Secondary School not known
Seinan Jo Gakuin University
Selwyn College
Seven Oaks Secondary School
Shirley Boys' High School
Shri Vivekananda High, Nadi
Silverstream Christian School
Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Senior School
Sir Keith Park School
Solway College
Sommerville School
Sonrise Christian School
South Auckland Middle School
South Otago High School
South Westland Area School
Southern Cross Campus
Southern Cross Campus College
Southern Health School
Southland Boys' High School
Southland Girls' High School
Spotswood College
Springbank School
Srinakharinwirot University
St Andrew's College (Christchurch)
St Bedes College
St Benedict's College
St Bernard's College
St Catherines College (Kilbirnie)
St Cuthbert's College (Epsom)
St Dominic's Catholic College (Henderson)
St Dominic's College
St Hildas Collegiate
St John's College (Hastings)
St John's College (Hillcrest)
St John's College Hamilton
St Joseph's Maori Girls' College
St Joseph's Secondary School, Suva
St Kevins College (Oamaru)
St Margaret's College
St Mary's College (Christchurch)
St Mary's College (Ponsonby)
St Mary's College (Wellington)
St Matthew's Collegiate (Masterton)
St Matthew's: Rath/St Matts Senior College
St Oran's College
St Patrick's Cathedral School
St Patrick's College (Kilbirnie)
St Patrick's College (Silverstream)
St Patrick's High School
St Paul's College (Ponsonby)
St Paul's Collegiate (Hamilton)
St Peter's College (Epsom)
St Peter's College (Gore)
St Peter's College (Palmerston North)
St Peter's School (Cambridge)
St Thomas of Canterbury College
Stonehill College
Stratford High School
Suva Grammar School, Suva
Suzhou University
Swansea University
Tai Wananga
Taieri College
Taihape Area School
Taihape College
Taikura Rudolf Steiner School
Taipa Area School
Taita College
Takapuna Grammar School
Tamaki College
Tamatea High School
Tangaroa College
Tangaroa College Teen Parent Unit
Tapawera Area School
Taradale High School
Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls
Tararua College
Tarawera High School
Tauhara College
Taumarunui High School
Taupo-nui-a-Tia College
Tauranga Boys' College
Tauranga Girls' College
Tauranga Special School
Tauraroa Area School
Tawa College
Taylors College, Selangor, Malaysia
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu
Te Aratai College
Te Aratika Academy
Te Aratika Academy
Te Aroha College
Te Aute College
Te Awamutu College
Te Kao Area School
Te Kapehu Whetu (Tuakana)
Te Karaka Area School
Te Kauwhata College
Te Kopuku High
Te Kuiti High School
Te Kura a Iwi o Pawarenga
Te Kura Hourua Ki Whangaruru (Partnership School)
Te Kura Hourua O Whangarei Terenga Paraoa (Partnership School)
Te Kura Kaupapa Ki Hurunga Te Rangi
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Horouta Wananga
Te Kura Mana Maori o Whangaparaoa
Te Kura Maori o Nga Tapuwae
Te Kura Maori o Porirua
Te Kura Maori-a-Rohe o Waiohau
Te Kura o Hirangi
Te Kura o Kokohuia
Te Kura o Nga Ruahine Rangi
Te Kura o Te Kao
Te Kura o Te Whanau-a-Apanui
Te Kura o Waikare
Te Kura o Waitahanui
Te Kura Taumata o Panguru
Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi
Te Kura Whakapumau I Te Reo Tuturu Ki Waitaha
Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano
Te Pa o Rakaihautu
Te Pae Pae o Aotea
Te Pi'ipi'inga Kakano Mai I Rangiatea
Te Puke High School
Te Rangi Aniwaniwa
Te Rangihakahaka Centre for Science and Technology
Te Waha O Rerekohu Area School
Te Waha O Rerekohu Area School
Te Whanau-A-Apanui Area School
Te Wharekura o Arowhenua
Te Wharekura o Kirikiriroa
Te Wharekura o Manaia
Te Wharekura o Maniapoto
Te Wharekura o Manurewa
Te Wharekura o Mauao
Te Wharekura o Nga Purapura o Te Aroha
Te Wharekura o Ngati Rongomai
Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga
Te Wharekura o Ruatoki
Te Wharekura O Ruatoki
Te Wharekura o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere
Te Wharekura o Te Rau Aroha
Te Whata Tau o Putauaki
Temple University
Templecity Institute of Technology and Engineering
Tereora College
Texas State University
Thames High School
The Catlins Area School
The Church College of New Zealand
The Corres. School -6th Form Certificate
The Correspondence School - Fee Paying
The Correspondence School ESC
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Taieri High School
Tikipunga High School
Timaru Boys' High School
Timaru Christian School
Timaru Girls' High School
Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School
Titiro Whakamua
TKK Motuhake o Tawhiuau
TKKM o Hoani Waititi
TKKM o Huiarau
TKKM o Hurungaterangi
TKKM o Kaikohe
TKKM o Kawakawa mai Tawhiti
TKKM o Mangere
TKKM o Nga Maungarongo
TKKM o Nga Mokopuna
TKKM o Nga Uri A Maui
TKKM o Ngati Kahungunu Ki Heretaunga
TKKM o Ngati Kahungunu o Te Wairoa
TKKM o Ngati Ruanui
TKKM o Otepoti
TKKM o Puau Te Moananui-a-Kiwa
TKKM o Pukemiro
TKKM o Ruamata
TKKM o Tamaki Nui A Rua
TKKM o Taumarere
TKKM o Te Ara Hou
TKKM o Te Ara Whanui
TKKM o Te Koutu
TKKM o Te Kura Kokiri
TKKM o Te Raki Paewhenua
TKKM o Te Rawhiti Roa
TKKM o Te Rito
TKKM o Te Tonga o Hokianga
TKKM o Te Waiu o Ngati Porou
TKKM o Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu
TKKM o Te Whanau Tahi
TKKM o Tuia te Matangi
TKKM o Tupoho
TKKM o Wairarapa
TKKM o Waitaha
TKKM o Whakarewa I Te Reo Ki Tuwharetoa
TKKM o Whangaroa
Tokohu University
Tokomairiro High School
Tokoroa High School
Tolaga Bay Area School
Tonga College
Tonga High School National Form 7
Tonga National Form 7 School
Tongariro High School
Tongariro School
Totara College of Accelerated Learning
Tourism New Zealand
Trident High School
Tuakau College
Turakina Maori Girls' College
Turanga Tangata Rite
Twizel Area School
Twizel High School
Tyndale Park Christian School
Universidad de Chile
Universidad de los Andes
Universitas Padjajaran
Universities New Zealand
University of Alberta
University of California - Davis
University of Goroka
University of Heidelberg
University of Houston - Clear Lake
University of Lahore (Sargodha Campus)
University of Lethbridge
University of Technology and Applied Sciences
University of Wrocław
Unknown Institution
Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti
UP International College New Zealand
Upper Hutt College
Van Asch Deaf Education Centre
Vanguard Military School
Vanguard Military School (Partnership School)
Vava'u High School
Verdon College
Villa Maria College
Vinh University
VIT Bhopal
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Wa Ora Montessori School
Waiau Area School
Waiheke High School
Waihi College
Waikato Diocesan School For Girls
Waikato Waldorf School ( Rudolf Steiner)
Waikohu College
Waimate High School
Waimea College
Wainuiomata College
Wainuiomata High School
Waiopehu College
Wairarapa College
Wairau Valley Special School
Wairoa College
Waitaha School
Waitakere College
Waitaki Boys' High School
Waitaki Girls' High School
Waitara High School
Waiuku College
Wakatipu High School
Waseda University
Waverley High School
Wellington College
Wellington East Girls' College
Wellington Girls' College
Wellington High School and Com Ed Centre
Wentworth College
Wesley College
West City Christian College
Westbridge Residential School
Western Heights High School
Western Springs College
Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Girls' High School
Westland High School
Whakatane High School
Whangamata Area School
Whanganui City College
Whanganui Collegiate School
Whanganui Girls' College
Whanganui High School
Whangaparaoa College
Whangarei Boys' High School
Whangarei Girls' High School
Whangaroa College
Whitby Collegiate
William Colenso College
Wilson School
Woodford House
World Endeavors
Xavier College
Yamaguchi University
Yamato University
Yat-Sen Secondary School, Suva
Youth Horizons Trust Learning Centre
Zayed College for Girls
Zhejiang University
Zhuhai College of Science and Technology
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