The University of Waikato has moved to digital documents via MyeQuals so instead of costly physical copies, you can get official online copies free and fast through a secure, official website where you can share or download them.
To order an official academic record or completion letter, go to Results in MyWaikato and select ‘Apply for your academic record and/or completion letter.’
Check your email address in MyWaikato is correct and select the documents you wish to upload. In approximately 30 minutes - 1 hour this will be uploaded to MyeQuals. You will receive an email with a link to set up your MyeQuals account and login to view the documents.
If you require your certificate uploaded to MyeQuals, please log an enquiry through your MyWaikato account.
If you are an alumni and cannot access your MyWaikato account, please contact us by calling 0800 WAIKATO (0800 924 528) or +64 7 838 4610 from overseas or emailing