
If the status of your enrolment is still ‘pending approval’, this could be for a number of reasons:

- If you submitted next year’s enrolment before November this year, we need to wait for timetable information to be confirmed, so we can check your papers for timetable clashes.

- We may also need to wait for your latest academic results to check that you’ve met the requirements for your requested programme of study.

- In addition, Divisions have extra approval processes for specific papers, programmes and circumstances, which may apply to your enrolment.

We'll process your enrolment in plenty of time before your studies are due to commence. You'll receive your Enrolment Agreement via email as soon as it's approved. When this arrives, simply accept your Enrolment Agreement in your Qualifications and Papers tab in MyWaikato to complete your enrolment.

If you are concerned or have questions, please contact us using the 'Log enquiry' button above, or by calling 0800 WAIKATO (0800 924 528) or +64 7 838 4610 from overseas.

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