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Higher Research Degree Study (Doctoral and MPhil)
Higher Research Degree Study (Doctoral and MPhil)
I am a higher degree student and am 'conditionally enrolled'. What does that mean?
How can I request to change my supervisory panel?
I can't access my progress report - what do I do?
How can I view the answers to my Progress Reports in the previous system?
I submitted a Change of Conditions request, but have not heard anything - when will I be notified of the outcome?
How do I suspend my enrolment or change to part time study?
I am a higher degree student and I want to change my Doctoral qualification to a Master of Philosophy
Where do I get the referee template for my application for Higher Research Degree study?
What is the status of my Higher Research Degree application?
How do I upload additional documents to my application?
I am a higher degree student and I want to downgrade my qualification
How do I suspend my enrolment or change to part time study?
I submitted a Change of Conditions request, but have not heard anything - when will I be notified of the outcome?
How can I view the answers to my Progress Reports in the previous system?
How can I request to change my supervisory panel?
I am a higher degree student and am 'conditionally enrolled'. What does that mean?