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Study Options
What is a Major and what is a Minor?
I can't see the qualification I need to apply for?
I have been asked to send in more documents. How do I do this?
How do I apply to study?
I withdrew from study part way through my qualification. Can I apply to come back?
I’ve submitted my enrolment, but it still says ‘pending approval’. When will it be approved?
How can I see and accept conditions on my appeal for re-entry?
What happens if I drop a paper in Semester A that is a prerequisite for Semester B?
Why isn't the subject I want showing in my subject selection list?
How do I apply for special permission to take a paper?
I know which paper I want to take - but how do I find it in my paper lists?
How do I allocate papers to the lists in my qualification?
I'm getting a message when I choose papers that says 'Some of your papers need to be allocated to the lists in your qualification.' What do I do?
I am enrolled in a paper that allows flexible start and end dates. How can I amend these dates?